About Legacy

“Noble countrymen, evil are upon us. Darkness has befallen our shores. Rise and slay thy enemies… strike, strike so others shall live. The meek shall not fade into the night… live my brethren, live.”

 ~ King Terenas Menethil II, King of Lordaeron ~

Welcome to <Legacy>

A Heroes Guild

     A Hero’s course is not without pain or hardship. It is perhaps the loneliest and most challenging path to walk. Everything a Hero touches leaves behind a trace of his presence; of what he represented and what he fought for. Each Hero has a personal story to tell and personal motivations. Some live on to continue walking the course; some die; and some merely vanish.

    However, they have all left behind something of immense significance; something so profound that it guides us today during those dark moments where we haven’t the strength to stand alone. Those Heroes, whether passed on or lost to us, they left behind a <Legacy> that reminds us of who they were and what they fought for. That <Legacy> is etched not only in our minds but in our hearts, and in the hearts of every person they’ve met. A Hero never dies, as a Hero lives on in each and every one of us – in our memories, in our actions, and in the stories we tell.  

So I ask you now, how will you live on? What will be your <Legacy>?

~ Angeleise Von’Karrion, DSW, Council of Legacy, High Priestess of Stormwind


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